Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nunc odio, faucibus id molestie non, congue id dolor. Duis congue faucibus leo at convallis. Nunc elit tellus, imperdiet adipiscing hendrerit id, vehicula quis nisi. Sed lobortis ipsum vel nunc commodo tempor. In eget risus nec felis lacinia egestas in scelerisque felis. Duis in tortor dolor, id porta erat. Aenean at purus nec lacus semper malesuada. Nullam facilisis dictum mi scelerisque pretium. Etiam tempor faucibus est.
SomaGroup provides domain registration, transfer, renewal, and other management options -- all easily accesible from your client portal. All top level COM, ORG, or NET domains cost $12.95/year.Domain Registration
Do you love GMail? Google provides free services through their "Google Apps for Your Domain" program and SomaGroup will be glad to configure your domain to use Google's mail, calendar, document sharing, and calendar applications for your domain. Simply select the Google Apps Setup option when you place your order.Google Apps Setup
While SomaGroup supports (and even has installers for) most popular Content Management Systems & Blogging Platforms, we offer installation and basic customization services for WordPress.WordPress Installation
Website Design, Content Design, and other development services are all available either in-house or through our network of premier graphics and web designers. Contact [email protected] for more information.Development